As Composer
Chris Gekker- Trumpet Music of Robert Levy. (includes duos with clarinet, cello, soprano sax, and solo trumpet works). TonsehenTSN-0004
Trumpet soloist
Robert Levy - music with piano: first solo recording produced more than fifty years ago for Crest records, can be heard today on Utube and includes first recordings of works by Alec Wilder, Meyer Kupferman, William Mayer, and Vincent Persichetti. Golden Crest RE 7045
Alec Wilder Trumpet Concerto No. 2" - Univ. of South Florida Wind Ensemble, F. Fennell, Cond.: G. Crest ATH 5070
Watts Electric (with composer John Watts): Serenus SRS 12080
Wilder Duo (with Gordon Stout, marimba): Golden Crest CRS 4190
Wilder Duo (with Gordon Stout, marimba): (double cd)
available direct: Gordon
Blackberry Winter Songs by Alec Wilder: Mark CD MCD 1641 (SSP)
“Crossover" with guests Walt Weiskopf, Steve Grismore, Janet Planet,
and John Harmon, Stellar Sound CD STEL 1003
Chamber Music
Alec Wilder- Jazz Suite for Brass Quintet- Albany Troy 0763
Wilder about Brass" - Tidewater Brass Quintet: Golden Crest CRS 4156
Tidewater Brass Quintet: G. Crest CRS 4174
Tidewater Brass Quintet: G. Crest CRS 4179
Tidewater Brass Quintet: G. Crest CRS 4205
Iowa Brass Quintet- Trilogy/Composers Theatre Series: Serenus CTS 1001
Iowa Brass Quintet - Composers Recordings: CRI SD291
Newel Kay Brown: Capra Records CRS 1201
As Conductor
Music for Winds and Brass- Wilder- Entertainment No. 1- Three Wilder Octets, Jazz Suite for Brass Quintet, Fantasy for Piano and wind ensemble
Albany Troy 0763
Premieres 2000- Lawrence Wind Ensemble: Mark CD MCD 3875
Music by John Harmon featuring trumpet soloist Bobby Shew--includes John Harmon's "Trilogy" for trumpet/Wind Ensemble and "Wolf River"
for symphony orchestra.
Lawrence Wind Ensemble
SeaBreeze SB(2)2117 (SBR)
Air Mosaic- wind ensemble music by Rodney Rodgers, John Harmon, and Gordon Stout
Mark MCD 5341
American Music for Winds - Lawrence Wind Ensemble
Mark CD MCD 1302 (MR)
Music of Paul Creston -Lawrence Wind Ensemble: G. Crest ATH 5075
Music of Warren Benson- Lawrence Wind Ensemble: G. Crest ATH 5085
Wind Ensemble Music by Rodney Rodgers and John Harmon (cassette only) Lawrence Wind Ensemble
Composers Edition 200-95026
Composers Brass Orchestra, NY: Trilogy
(Serenus) SRS 12080
Sandra France: Fluctuating States of Calm Talk
Poppies TP177
Crossover (as leader), with guests Walt Weiskoph, Janet Planet, and John Harmon,
Stellar Sound CD STEL 1003 (SSP)
Frank's Place - Big Band Reunion -Stellar Sound CD STEL1006 (SSP)
One for Jeannie-Big Band Reunion
BBR 1002
High Land - Ex Tempo, Lawrence University Faculty Jazz with guest Sam Pilafian, tuba
One Night Suite - Quartet with Jose Encarnacion, Matt Turner, Jason Roebke, Dane Richeson BBR 1003—available direct: Robert Levy
When the Moon Jumps- Ken Schaphorst Ensemble: Accurate AC-4203CD
FLUX - Boston Jazz Composers Alliance: Northwestern NR-5010-CD with guests Julius Hemphill and Sam Rivers
“LIve at the CBDNA” (1977) St. Mary’s College Jazz Ensemble with guest
Soloists Ernie Wilkens, tenor sax; Jim Saporito, percussion
Silver Custom Crest STM 53077A
St. Mary’s College Jazz Ensemble (1973)
Mark Custom Records MC-8429
The Best of One O'Clock, North Texas State One O'Clock Lab Band: Amazing AMCD1027
Lab '67- North Texas State One O'Clock Lab Band: Century 27377
The Swingphonic Sounds of Sammy Nestico: North Texas State One
O'Clock Lab Band: Mark MES 32244
Performances and recordings have aired over National Public Radio, Wis. Public Radio, "Music from Interlochen," "Music from the Mountains," Montana, and WQXR, N.Y.C.
Where earlier indicated, recordings are available from...
Stellar Sound Productions (SSP)
Mark Records (MR)
Sea Breeze Records (SBR)
Robert Levy-direct.
<---"Hearing a playback"

The "Crossover" recording project for Stellar Sound Productions.
John Harmon with Robert Levy